Alida Birch is a teacher of shamanism and spiritual healing in Eugene Oregon, offering introductory and advanced trainings in the shamanic journey, shamanic healing, and soul retrieval.. Trained in soul retrieval by Sandra Ingerman and certified in shamanic counseling by Michael Harner, Alida assists her clients to heal the past and to create a life of joy. She received her shamanic initiation in the 1980's, has facilitated thousands of soul retrievals, and has been training others for three decades. Her first book, The Co-Creation Handbook: A Shamanic Guide to Manifesting a Better World & a More Joyful Life, is now available as a paperback, e-book, and audiobook.
Shamanism, a path of direct revelation, is a way for the ordinary person to be their own authority on spiritual matters. The cornerstone of this work, the shamanic journey, is a safe, practical method for accessing alternate realities. The Shamanic Journey is a simple, unique way to restore our spiritual power & open us to an extraordinary range of guidance, healing, and assistance.
Trainings with Alida Birch Online
NEW!: Introduction to the Shamanic Journey -
a self-paced 6-part training
Basic instruction in the shamanic journey-the key to core shamanic practice. Understand the background and method of the shamanic journey. Learn to journey with percussion to the lower and upper world. Meet a power animal and a spirit teacher. Contains many helpful suggestions for journeying.
At this time I am not offering in-person shamanic trainings. Please go to to find a teacher near you!
Please be sure to sign up on my mailing list for updates
The Shamanic Journey
with Alida Birch
Delving Deeply into a Shamanic Way of Life
with Alida Birch
Spiritual Extraction Training
with Alida Birch
*All in-person trainings suspended until further notice.
Trainings with
Alida Birch & Reid Hart
Celtic Roots
February 3rd-24th, 2021
taught by Alida Birch and Reid Hart
Alida Birch & Reid Hart reserve the right to cancel any workshops or the participation of anyone, at any time for any reason. In such a case, fees paid in advance will be refunded.