Alida Birch is a teacher of shamanism and spiritual healing in Eugene Oregon, offering introductory and advanced trainings in the shamanic journey, shamanic healing, and soul retrieval.. Trained in soul retrieval by Sandra Ingerman and certified in shamanic counseling by Michael Harner, Alida assists her clients to heal the past and to create a life of joy. She received her shamanic initiation in the 1980's, has facilitated thousands of soul retrievals, and has been training others for three decades. Her first book, The Co-Creation Handbook: A Shamanic Guide to Manifesting a Better World & a More Joyful Life, is now available as a paperback, e-book, and audiobook.
Testimonials for Shamanic Teaching
Thank you so much for the training . . . I really have felt prepared as I move forward with clients. I have been grateful to be working with people these days and every session really reaffirms that I'm on my path and it feels wonderful to be helping people.
~Sara Violante, Portland, OR shamanic healer and teacher
My heart swelled when I read the description of the series. When I went through the program I was at a critical point in my life and my spiritual growth. Throughout the year I gained new skills; learned so much ftom others in the group and deepened the relationships with my helping spirits. The vision quest remains fresh in my conciousness and I call on what I learned and experienced nearly everyday. Thank you for continuing to develop and offer this class. Amazing! I have gained so much from Alida's classes over the past few years. The skills and tools she teaches have helped me deepen my relationship with spirit and bring focus to my soul's purpose.I use what I've learned from Alida everyday to bring more of my authentic self to my professional work and personal life."
~Karin Magnuson, Albany, OR, Faculty-Training Specialist, Linn-Benton Community College
So grateful to you and to the apprenticeship I took--it was truly a launchpad for me into a fuller life--one of meaning and purpose, everlasting frienships, and fun! My life has been profoundly changed by what I learned and continues to grow by leaps and bounds! Thank you for offering this class and doing what you do!
~Brooke Emery, Supervisor, Lane Council of Governments, Eugene, OR
I was just thinking that it's been 15+ years since I took this course with you! The beginnings of the opening of so many doors. Always grateful.
~Sherry Narens, Seattle, WA actress
I'm glad you continue to offer this 1 yr shamanic apprenticeship, Alida... these multi-level experiences & growth-empowering processes were safe, satisfying & joyful ...the vision quest profound... learning sacred healings for myself & others... we were truly blessed...thank you, dear Alida
~Betty Vail, Eugene OR, retired Lane Community College Counselor
The best thing you can do for yourself !! I discovered who I am, not the person I was domesticated into. We all have an inner self, a being made up of light and love, that waits to be unlocked. Thank you, Alida, for offering this course once again; it truly changed my life.
~Patton Friar, Sweet Home, OR
Alida Birch is a fantastic teacher. I highly recommend this training.
~Karen Beesley, Nurse Practitioner and Midwife, Roseberg, OR