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*Please note that these are results from specific clients and there is no guarantee that you will receive similar results.

It is the spirits who truly do the work - all I do is allow them to come through me. The healing power is on loan from the Universe. All of these testimonials really belong to the wonderful helping spirits that bless me with their presence and allow me to witness their miracles.



Testimonials for Shamanic Teaching


Testimonials for Manifestation Training


Testimonials for Healing Work



I wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that I am feeling so much better after our session last week.  My energy has returned and I am now sleeping so much better at night.  When I listened to your recording this amazing sense of piece and understanding and support came over me.  I have already started my Shamanic Journeying, after having purchased the book you recommended and am in my first week of reading your wonderful Co-Creation book.  THANK YOU!!!!  You truly are such a gift and I am so grateful that I was led to you.  I will definitely be coming back for more once I have integrated the Shamanic Journeying into my daily practice for a bit and have gotten a little further in your book :)


Thank you so much!


Susan Krick, 12/2015


I want to always keep in touch with you, because I am seeing a much more positive view and I believe in you and the work that you do. I think you're gifted. Keep up the good work and I hope you find all the things you want in the New Year.

Thank you so much, 

Mark Kirby, 1/5/2016


It has been a very interesting month to say the least. Something has definitively changed inside me, for the better. I have done all the homework the spirits suggested which I am sure contributed to my happiness.
Thank you so much for the guided meditation and all the useful things you sent me. I have found something I really believe in. It is going to be interesting to see how I will apply it to my busy London life. At the moment I am leading a wonderful life and I am in love with a special person who understands all this. I couldn’t ask for more really. Thank you so much… I have the feeling our paths might meet again.
~Giusi Pezzo, London, 5/2013


Thank you so much for the profound work that you do and that you did for me. I honestly don't know quite how to describe how things are different because of the quiet, deep, subtlety of it all. The closest I can come is saying that I have spent most of my life feeling like a wheel with no hub or spokes, just the outer rim. After attempting to assimilate my healing with you, I would say that now there is a hub and spokes to my wheel. Strange analogy but the only way I can describe it. I feel filled up internally/energetically. My life has been a whirlwind since I left your house with little time to sit with my experience, to soak in my experience, to meet my experience, yet I still feel the profound effects of my lost parts return. I feel greatly comforted that you found an angel/goddess for my guardian. I hear her/him whispering to create images of the divine and I have my foot on the pedal............just lightly pushing down but pushing down nonetheless.With deepest respect for you and the work you do, ~SR, 12/10


Hello Alida... Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner... Its been hectic but good.. I have to tell you that I quit bleeding from the moment I left your house and have only had 1 small bout about 2 weeks ago.....My energy is back and I have been losing some of the weight I had gained from lack of energy and feel so much stronger now. Thanks again and hope you are also well.
Much Love,~P 2/10


Dear Alida,
I had a session with you last Friday for my daughter Jessica. I have seen a big change in her ever since. She only had a bad angry spill once and she still tends to get verbally bad while she is in stress or while she is frustrated. I will seal a help with the kinetic method like you suggested.I can tell that she is more open and loving with me and her siblings,too.Thank you so much. I would like to set up a session with you for myself some day. I will let you know. Best wishes,~MK, 9/09


"....your journeying was deep and true and richly resonant and healing beyond anything I dared to hope for. I wish to pay tribute to all the womanly wisdom and humanity you bring to bear in your work ... and the spirits and animal beings who assist you."
~S Bouldin, Chicago, 3/08


"Alida's work is powerful and life-changing. She is a clear channel to the spirit world and working with her has been a blessing to me. The sessions that I have had with her have lifted me out of a seemingly 'despairing' situation often providing me with immediate relief, peace and clarity and even facilitated a major relationship breakthrough. My teenage daughter also worked with Alida and was restored into a fuller more joyous life. Shamanic healing work has proven to be (for me and those I love) much more effective and healing than countless sessions of 'talk therapy'. I've worked with her in person and long-distance, and both sessions were equally effective. Her work as a shamanic healer and teacher are extraordinary. I recommend her highly." ~Diana from England (Yes, you CAN put England, since I will be there soon, anyway! (Thanks to you!))

"I hope all is well with you and your practice. I am writing to thank you again for your help and to fill you in on the last few weeks. Since our phone meeting and the receipt of your tape, I have twice seen the black panther spirit and know he is with me. I have experienced a sense of being vulnerable in a healthy, human, and non-threatening way (probably the little girl that you coaxed back). There are more subtleties of perception that have resulted- I'm sure you can imagine. I'll keep you informed along the journey.I referred a friend to you and she said that she benefited greatly from her session with you. Thanks for helping her too!" ~TN, Massachusetts


"I am very pleased with the healing that you performed for me. I have
never felt better"~MV, New York


"My frequent headaches are a thing of the past! AND I feel 100% emotionally healed".......MG, NYC

"I had an incredible surge of energy for weeks"~SN, Oregon

"Thank you for all your help!
I've come to you when I have felt disempowered in my dealings with personal relations. You have opened a whole new world to me and have made available tools that help me deal with this reality in a more complete and honorable way. It is subtle work which changes my perspective and improves my well being. Somehow body, mind and spirit become unified after these sessions"....KJ, Oregon

"Thank you again. Your healing work is truly amazing"~Linda C, California


"Since my healing session a year ago, my migraines have never returned" ~DJ, Colorado


"You worked such magic with my friend that I know I need a session with you!" ~CR, Tennessee

" I feel reborn with a sense of vitality...For the first time in my life, I am meeting new people....My dearest friends have told me I am different and they are enjoying the happiness that I apparently seem to exude. They all say I am doing things (activities) that I have not done for al long time...Thank you so much for your guidance and wisdom. You and your friends have helped me once again "
~DF, Portland


"I looked in the mirror the next day and I was back. The nurse at my doctor's office was so excited to see me so vibrant again. Now my kidneys are functioning normally."~DV, Oregon


Dearest Alida: You are so amazing! Thanks to your wonderful help, I have had a significant, positive breakthrough! Your tapes help so much! I will update you, again, soon. May you be so richly blessed with only the very best.
With love and heartfelt gratitude, ~Ilene


"Alida's work is powerful and life-changing. She is a clear channel to the spirit world and working with her has been a blessing to me. The sessions that I have had with her have lifted me out of a seemingly 'despairing' situation often providing me with immediate relief, peace and clarity and even facilitated a major relationship breakthrough. My teenage daughter also worked with Alida and was restored into a fuller more joyous life. Shamanic healing and soul retrieval work has proven to be (for me and those I love) much more effective and healing than countless sessions of 'talk therapy'. I've worked with her in person and long-distance, and both sessions were equally effective. Her work as a shamanic healer and teacher are extraordinary. I recommend her highly." ~Diana from England (Yes, you CAN put England, since I will be there soon, anyway! (Thanks to you!)) 




Thank you so much for the healing you facilitated for me. I am in awe at how it all came about. 

I was so emotional after the soul retrieval. After our session I walked in to see my daughter and I felt like I had not truly seen her before. It was very incredible and I felt that all the numbness I have felt over the years just washed away. 

I have had  alot of memories coming back from my childhood as well. For example, I remembered in detail the day when I was about 6 and my mom lost all of her hair in chemo. As I remembered this I just cried so deeply. Looking back, I did not cry as a child because some of it was so shocking for me then. 

I have a new relationship with food. In the past I have used food to numb out. Every time I have eaten since the soul retrieval, I have felt nourished and have not over eaten at all. It is truly amazing!

The way I have been sleeping is incredible too! My sleep time has been filled with deep healing and renewal. Wow it is all so incredible

Thank you so very much!

I have also discovered the power of gratitude ! I ordered your book and began reading it today. I am very much looking forward to the experiences in the future. 

I have started walking in the woods and find this very healing as well. I am taking a shamanism course in core shamanism. It is facilitated online and will take about a year. I feel so honored I could work with you. Thank you so much for your help.


I would love to come and take a class with you one day in the future~


Most importantly I have realized that it is OK for me to be ME. I feel more comfortable in my own skin. I feel I am embracing the fact that I love so many people unconditionally, where in the past I have beaten myself up verbally for making mistakes, now I am truly grateful for the path that has lead me here. I feel so connected to the earth and I know it is my place and mission to help heal the earth. 


With love, 


Sarah Dawn 12/14

I had been suffering from an extreme lack of energy and what I consider a functional loss of personal power, I had insomnia, bad dreams, and my attitude was grey, dismal, and continually depressed.  I couldn’t focus on anything for extended periods of time. It felt like I had lost connection to myself, to my life, and to light. Thoughts of suicide would arise often, usually accompanied by the need to drink. Everything I tried in order to alleviate or change this state failed. After years of plodding along, it reached a critical point. I just couldn’t go on in the same way anymore. Conventional therapy was basically useless. I knew I had to do something radical, immediately, or I wasn’t going to make it. Period.

I had experienced a lot of trauma as a child, which only continued in various forms as I grew up. I had PTSD as a result, not to mention substance abuse issues. Over the years, I had heard many good things about ayahuasca as a treatment for PTSD, as well as for addictions and other disorders, that often resulted in the type of radical transformation that I was looking for. And there was a kind of cool attached to it.  So I began doing the research. After reading a few books, it was looking pretty good. Then I hit the internet. At first glance, everything was positive and confirmed that it was the right move for me. But as I went deeper into the research, things began to change. The reviews were more mixed. As I followed the various leads across a wide range of forums and blogs, the story began to radically change. It wasn’t long before the risks began to counterbalance the benefits; and then appeared to exceed the benefits (especially as a direct result of ayahuasca’s meteoric popularity among western countries during the past decade or so, not to mention the profit motive of various unscrupulous individuals).

It was about then that I ran across two very similar articles by two very different individuals. The articles both focused on the spiritual aspects and implications of the ayahuasca experience, and not merely the psychological, emotional, and traumatic aspects (which had been my primary focus up to that point). It woke me up to the larger implications of engaging in plant medicines, and to the inherent risks involved from that perspective. Coupled with many of the nightmare first-person accounts I had read during months of research, I decided it would be wise to expand the parameters of consideration. Long story short---ayahuasca was much more of a gamble than I had originally thought, and there were a lot more variables involved than merely going for an exotic entheogenic ride in a Peruvian rain forest, regardless of the somewhat romantic allure such a journey might conjure.   

Ultimately, I couldn’t get past those two articles on the subject---one by Johnathan Evatt and the other by Peter Michael (both of which I highly recommend). They each brought me back to a kind of intellectual sobriety. I’m highly sensitive in many ways, intuitive, and have a well-developed spirituality (all of which had slowly become eclipsed over time). I began to look at it anew, from a spiritual perspective, and decided to temporarily postpone my plans for the trip to Iquitos, while in the meantime following the research vectors suggested by the articles. I wasn’t so much interested in what was ‘right’, per se; but in what was ‘right for me’---which only I could determine for myself.  

During the course of this new research I ran across the concepts of soul retrieval and entity attachment. I was familiar with the latter, but not the former. Never heard of soul retrieval. After a few more weeks of research, I was convinced it was credible, and worth a shot. So I went about searching for the right person to facilitate this process with me. I eventually found that person. Alida Birch. From the research on the soul retrieval process, it is often advised to obtain a spiritual clearing first---an entity clearing. I had had direct experience with these things before, and realized that my problems could very well be caused by them (something I had failed to consider during my initial plans for ayahuasca). So I set up an appointment with Peter Michael to get cleared. He immediately directed me to set up a soul retrieval appointment with his colleague in order that the two processes could be effectively coordinated. (Oddly enough, his colleague in this instance was Alida Birch, who I had already independently chosen and contacted.) An appointment was set. We connected at the appointed time. I had no idea what to expect. After it was over, I went about business as usual.

I can tell you that I began to feel better almost immediately. And this better feeling continued to grow throughout the evening and throughout the next day. And the day after. And continues still, quite noticeably, in various forms and states of consciousness in ways that I cannot even begin to explain or express. I continue to be amazed, if not astounded by the radical changes I’ve experienced within myself. Improvements in visual and auditory clarity---and mental clarity. But the most important experience was the extreme peace I felt within me. Frankly, I cannot ever remember feeling such peace, even as a child. This amazed me. I never expected it. That such a thing was even possible. And I was finally able to sleep. Without waking up 2 or 3 times as I would normally do. This alone is worth its weight in gold (if you’ll forgive a clichéd and incongruent metaphor, lol). Anyway---I’m actually happy in a weird baseline kind of way. Calm. Even. Centered. Simple (now how weird is that?).I am not the same person I was before this work. Period. I am more myself than I have ever been. So much so that I find it hard to believe or process it in any linear intellectual way. Well, I could go on about this for pages, but I’ll let that suffice. I should add, however, the results have exceeded even that which I was unable to expect.

The process itself is very simple and straightforward. A date and time is set, followed by a client’s statement of issues and intentions. At the time appointed, the client has a brief phone conversation followed by some simple instructions. The clearing begins shortly afterwards. One is, in effect, triangulated in the process. The soul retrieval healer is notified when the clearing is complete and immediately begins the retrieval process.  The separation of tasks according to specialty is a brilliant strategy for maximizing impact and effectiveness, as it allows both to focus on what they do best.

I can vouch for the results, with which I couldn’t be happier.  And for those who might doubt the ‘physics-reality’ of such things, might I suggest some research into quantum entanglement, or Bell’s Theorem of non-locality (what Einstein referred to as ‘spooky action at a distance’). Get up to date on what is currently proven to be real, and then perhaps reconsider your premises. 

Peter and Alida are very serious about their work, and conduct it all in a thoroughly professional manner. I recommend them highly.

FB    Houston, TX  June 2017

Alida Birch

P.O. Box 21416

Eugene, Oregon 97402

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