Alida Birch is a teacher of shamanism and spiritual healing in Eugene Oregon, offering introductory and advanced trainings in the shamanic journey, shamanic healing, and soul retrieval.. Trained in soul retrieval by Sandra Ingerman and certified in shamanic counseling by Michael Harner, Alida assists her clients to heal the past and to create a life of joy. She received her shamanic initiation in the 1980's, has facilitated thousands of soul retrievals, and has been training others for three decades. Her first book, The Co-Creation Handbook: A Shamanic Guide to Manifesting a Better World & a More Joyful Life, is now available as a paperback, e-book, and audiobook.
Soul Retrieval Training Online
Beginning Sunday April 4th through May 16th, 2021
5pm-7pm Pacific Time
online through Zoom*
The workshop is designed exclusively for those who wish to bring shamanic healing techniques into their practice with others. Participants will be trained to work with the issue of soul loss, will explore the experience of partial soul loss resulting from personal trauma and illness, and will learn how to track a person’s soul and return lost essence to that individual. The course also focuses on life after soul retrieval: how to create a healthier life after healing has taken place and how to alleviate generational suffering. Individuals attending the training will perform and receive a soul retrieval during the course of the workshop and are given extensive instruction on how to work with clients after a soul retrieval through the use of shamanic journeying, ritual, and ceremony.
Success at shamanic journeying and good contact with power animals and/or teachers in non-ordinary reality is essential for participation.
I teach this each year in the late spring/early summer.
The sessions are designed to be informative but also relaxing and personally healing.
Cost is $434USD
To apply to this class, please contact Alida.
What will be covered?
Creating a loving sacred space for healing work
A brief overview of illness from a shamanic perspective
Understanding the definition of soul, spirit, and soul essence in shamanic work
Causes of soul loss.
Symptoms of soul loss.
Meeting the spirit helper who will assist you in soul retrievals
The power of words and metaphor in healing work
Soul Retrieval Demonstration
Undertaking the soul retrieval journey.
Tools and songs for soul retrieval
Becoming the hollow bone - moving the ego out of the way.
Overcoming performance anxiety.
Working with stolen soul essence.
Ceremony to welcome back the soul.
The value of community in soul retrieval.
Life after soul retrieval - integration work for the individual
How to do long-distance soul retrieval
Retrieving the essence of body part and organs
Designing rituals and ceremonies to shift core attitudes and beliefs
The ethics of soul retrieval
Working with the gifts of our ancestors
Soul remembering: helping clients to find their life purpose
Developing a soul retrieval/ shamanic healing practice: tips from 3 decades of practice.
Going home after a soul retrieval/shamanic healing:reintegration
* a note about Zoom: I realize that learning through Zoom can be tiring over long stretches. My intention with this training is to send the material in advance of each class. Classes will be utilized for questions and experiential work. Class is limited to 6 participants.
"Don't just ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and then go and do it, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Howard Thurman